Rajesh Vaidhya’s mellifluous music backdropped A Grand Tamilnadu Hindu Wedding Film Video KANIMOZHI and SIVA’S Wedding Reception. It was like watching a carnival of gorgeousness! The wedding was so posh, so classy, that all that we wanted to tell the couple at the end of the wedding was ” Drishti Suthipodunga” (Ward off evil eye!). Kani and Shiva took such care to make sure they looked their lifetime best in this lifetime event. The detailing that had gone into planning this wedding was amazing. The bride arrived in a palanquin at this wedding and was walked down to the stage by her groom, who was totally smitten and lost in love. The Wedding happened the next morning, and we were wondering how they managed to pull such a grand wedding off! Kani’s sarees just rocked, and the makeup was just too perfect. Everything was so perfect about this traditional wedding ceremony, that the Gods themselves shed happy tears witnessing this wedding of marvelous splendor. The couple was their jolly good selves, and too comfortable with their attire, and the ceremony. They were also super camera friendly, and this made our work easier than we thought it would be