The Hindu wedding was so happy and before we could wrap our heads around all the happiness’s, we had to shoot the Christian Wedding of Sharm and Esther, and we must say that we were definitely lost in all the happiness add-on. It was a scene that we could witness over and over again. Sharm, all suited up, walked up. The smile just refused to wean off from his face. Marrying the love of your life must be the best thing to happen to anyone, isn’t it? Sharm’s face exuded that content. The bride’s and the groom’s maids followed him. The girls wore a short aqua-green dress (take a cue, all you fashionistas!), and the guys pulled off the rock and roll formals so elegantly. The little angels Rohaan and Mikalya in white gowns, carrying bouquets followed the gorgeous couples. It was then time for the bride to make an entry. Esther, in the generous white laced gown, her face veiled in a transparent white lace, and her smile inviting love from all quarters, walked in with her dad, hand in hand. The crowd cheered, Sharm’s eyes was all on her, as she walked up to the aisle with the other love of her life, her dad. As the Reverend Father pronounced his prayers, and then the vows, Sharm and Esther stood in front of the alter, in front of God. The onlookers looked on, stunned and in silence, as Sharm and Esther exchanged their vows, and what a vow that was! Sharm promised to Esther that he would be the ‘girlfriend that she will need when she shops’, and voluntereed to be her punching bag when she feels like a Mike Tyson. HOW SO ADORABLE! Esther got emotional and promised to be Sharm’s ‘true and loyal friend’, and they smiled at each other and wed. This is the story that soulmates are made of.
The wedding was done and it was time to celebrate. Music rocked the floor and the families cheered, danced and laughed. The champagne corked off, the liquid flowed along, just like how the happiness and celebration spread like wildfire. The dance continued into the evening, and the families rejoiced, rejoiced and rejoiced.
We had a ball at the wedding. Watch the video and let us know if you did get transported to the wedding moments. Sharm and Esther, we wish you the best of happiness and lots of eternal love! You guys rock!
A Beautiful Christian Wedding, Sangeet at Singapore SHARM and ESTHER