Iswarya and Pranesh’s wedding was like watching a Spielberg film. GRAND AND MAGNIFICENT, and full of life. We are still wonder-struck at the scale at which the arrangements were made at the wedding. It was held at Aishwarya Sowbhagya Mahal, MMDA, Chennai., in typical Udupi Brahmin Style. Wedding Film of Sun TV Iswarya with Pranessh. The parents were excited, the siblings were excited, and all the relatives and friends were euphoric, so the place looked like it would explode of all that joy and happiness. The wedding hall was decked up like it was hosting a Royal wedding. Royal indeed it was, what with a stunning bride, and her most handsome groom! Iswarya / Aishwarya is a very famous face across South, thanks to her stint as a Television anchor, and we actually tuned our cameras to be alert upon celeb spotting. 🙂
As a photographers, it was a visual treat. Our cameras loved and rejoiced and thanked Iswarya / Aishwarya for the splash of exuberance that the wedding was! The reception was no ordinary too, in fact it was one helluva spectacle! The bride and the groom entered, and the stage went all boom with white smoke, and then when the crazy lights dawned, zomg the couple looked like they were charioteer-ed straight from heaven. The food, the people, the arrangements, the fanfare.. the entire Universe conspired to make this wedding a grand affair to remember! Focuz Studios team is proud that we recorded the real moments as it unfolds…
Priya kumar
how beautiful!!!! the wedding is… wowwwww