
Tamilnadu Hindu Wedding Photography | Priya + Ashwin

Tamilnadu Hindu Wedding Photography  | Priya + Ashwin

Priya and Ashwin were interesting, to put it mildly.

We saw their wedding invitation even before we met Priya, and we knew it was going to be challenging. The wedding invitation was so creative, equally unique and stylish at best. And then we met Priya. She was an architect by profession, and had an elite eye for aesthetics and symmetry. We were thoroughly amazed by her vision, and her expectations from pur team. Her expectations synced splendidly with what we bring to the table- Perfection, color, and emotion in Tamilnadu Hindu Wedding Photography. We bundle all the three beautifully in our pictures, and weave our favorite stories through our len. Priya understood our work eithics, she was an architect afterall. 🙂

At Focuz, we loved this creative challenge. We wanted Priya to go awwww over the pictures, and we were definitely looking forward to her liking the pictures we clicked at her wedding. And need we say that she went awww? 🙂

Priya had a very friendly demeanour. She was calm yet assertive and sure, always smiled and waved hands. Ashwin was her perfect match. An out, and out Gentleman, Ashwin and Priya were so at ease throughout the wedding. The wedding was hosted at EVP Mahal, it was big and sprawling and photogenic. Priya’s parents were too kind us to help us with whatever we asked for, and they made the shooting experience very comfortable and memorable for our team.

Kudos, Priya and Ashwin. Like the pictures below? Share off. 🙂

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Nice photography !!!!! Nice caption and the blog !!!!!!


Superb and Simple

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