Celebrating Wedding in two different culture has become a common feature among the Non-resident Indians. Samantha and Bharath were one such expat couple who celebrated their Wedding in India primarily and invited us again to witness their Wedding celebration in Paris, “City of lights”. We found contentment when we’re chosen amongst the other Wedding Photographers existing in France. Furthermore, exploring the Parisian lifestyle enticed us even more. On the day of their Wedding, the bride was wrapped in a delicate cold colored bridal gown and looked immaculate while the groom was decked up in a double-breasted dusty colored blazer and a rosy shirt under it. The pinned lapel flower was actually hand-picked by the bride.
People who gathered at the Mairie were endlessly cherishing as the couple reached the spot. The bouquet of pink flowers she carried enhanced the bridal beauty of hers and we captured every detail of the event precisely. Being an Indian Wedding Photographer we felt proud to document their celebration flying across seas. This was another challenging opportunity for us to prove in the land unknown and we could say we excelled well in capturing the beauty of their celebration.
The couple exchanged rings, completed the civil ceremony’s formalities and were officially announced as Husband and wife. As the couple walked down the aisle, their families, friends and other guests rejoiced when the party poppers were triggered and flowers are showered. As the final moments arrived, the bride tossed her bouquet and we froze the Candid moments by snapping and recording them. Browse the page more and drop your comment on the pictures snapped.
Indian Wedding Photographers In Paris