In a village with a team without gadgets The day we realized that none of the technologies that we are banging on our chest to be the only happiness is actually not. Wrapping up all the mobile phones in one place, flashback of how these all started glimpsed in our mind.
We were super excited about our team outing. We thought of booking a resort. But our lead Chandru Bharathy came up with a different idea. We were not aware that this idea was going to totally change our perspective towards our own team. We kept the place a secret. Only a few in the office knew it. We expected to give an unexpected happiness into the soul of each one of us.
Entering into Rettanai, an aura of peace seized our minds. Our thoughts entered into a state of serenity as birds chirp to their families. Trees tower over the entire road. Their broad green leaves provide shade from the radiant sun. It was just like listening to pleasant Ilayaraja music while sitting at the center of peaceful woods.
Kiruba sir (The Organiser) and his wife politely greeted each one of us, as we passed through the Kolam (Rangoli) that they dedicatedly drew for Focus Studios in front of the farmhouse. It was located at the center of the 13-hectare farm. We had never seen such a creative farmhouse. All of us were astonished looking at the vintage-styled and nature-centric architecture of the house. The taps were connected with bamboo poles instead of the usual pipe and wash basins were made out of rocks.
After enjoying the salads given to us, we started the team-building activities. We loved to participate in each one of them. We dined together and we cleaned together. There were no partialities. We had never laid out our palms on mud. But we were completely drenched playing mud kabaddi. Some of us tried milking a cow. Indeed, that was a thrilling experience village with the team without gadgets.
The most significant part was the campfire. Unlike the usual campfire, we did something different. We shared the most regretting failures of our lives with each other. We experienced beacons of emotions wrestling with one another at the center of our souls. But listening to the stories of each one of us, we realized that sometimes life knocks us down to hell, just to make us understand how fruitful success is. We got to know each other deeply.
The bond that we have now is unbreakable. Together, we made a family Focuz Studios. The fun we had will be unforgettable throughout our lives. Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.